Christianity is not just what you do,
it’s about who you are.
We are what we eat. We’ve eaten of the fruit.
We’ve forgotten who we are. We’ve been in a fog of amnesia.
With great love, the Father looked into our situation and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to awaken us to us our true nature in Him (Eph. 5:14). We are sons and daughters of God in Jesus Christ! So much more than just a nice “teaching,” faith is about our very nature.
Think about this: Every story ever told, every book ever written, every movie ever produced, every life ever lived, your life reveals a common pattern: (1) You’re alive. (2) You face a crucible of real challenges.
(3) You emerge more aware of who you really are. (4) You embark upon mission with greater focus and zeal.
Let’s rename each of these movements: (1) Life. (2) Death.
(3) Resurrection. (4) Pentecost. What does that sound like?
Our nature, our identity, our very lives are a participation in the very life of GOD! Life becomes supremely meaningful when we recognize and live this! Our lives are literally a participation in the very movements of Jesus Christ: Empty. Fill. Overflow.
Yes! As God revealed in Jesus Christ, suffering is a participation in God. Suffering is God’s means to mold us for Himself!
Now understand the awesome gift of Holy Mass. It is supremely relevant. Powerful. Given by Jesus Christ. The Mass is literally the occasion for us to more fully awaken, to celebrate, to be strengthened, to proclaim, to live our lives in Him!
We are called to be a Holy Community lived corresponding to Holy Communion received. GET ON BOARD
No explanation surpasses encounter.
Don’t spectate. Participate.